ⓒ 2025 Kate Dames |
This tool was originally created as "Soap, Soup and Sand" by Michael Michalko, author of the book ThinkerToys. All images courtesy
Made by fun-fi-cientThinkerToys
Break habitual thought patterns with a random input.
- Draw a card.
- Identify all the main characteristics of the object. For example, if the object is "Menu", typical characteristics could include things like list of everything on offer; categorized per type of food or drink; contains prices for items; visualize frequently asked questions; etc.
- Apply the characteristics to your problem. For example, if your problem is "How to increase sales", you could use the characteristics of the "Menu" card to create a list of everything on offer, categorize per type of customer, etc.
- Rinse and repeat until you have enough ideas to move forward.